Through our ups and downs, we still remained so close. Our memories will stay with me forever. I was grateful to be there at the end with you. No one can take that from me. Goodnight love. Always in my heart I miss you in my bubble xx Heather xx
18th June 2021
The Stone Mason
He builds from local rocks that come to hand—
craggy, irregular, or water-worn—
and guided by a form he has in mind
but nothing like a plan, nothing so stern.
Colours and sizes join haphazardly
except for some that draw themselves together;
some likely stones he has to throw away,
a few so small they are not worth the bother.
And gradually the thing materializes,
assumes the shape he'd say he worked to build
although the details harbour some surprises
and there are places where he'd say he failed.
A century from now all will be changed
except the pile of rocks that he arranged.
Jan Schreiber
Posted by Ric Metcalfe
13th June 2021
Uncle Andrew. Taken far too soon. Lots of happy childhood memories. Always in thoughts.
Love Jenny. Xxx
4th June 2021